Hamsters also enjoy different kinds of climbing toys or strings that hang from the top of the cage. They reach about 5-7 inches in length as adults and weigh around 4 ounces (about 1/4th of a pound). If the female is not introduced when she is in season, potentially fatal fighting will ensue. Look for any soiled bedding and remove it from the cage. Once your hamster is happy to be held, you need to master the art of picking them up. Although your teddy bear hamster does not cost a lot of money itself, the paraphernalia, food and bedding to care for them can soon add up. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Syrian, Teddy Bear, and Golden are all interchangeably used to describe this type of hamster breed. If you help your hamster get used to being handled from a very young age, it will love being held by you. They can attain 4-7 in (10.16-17.78 cm) of length when they become adults and have a weight of 4 oz (113.4 g). Most older, responsible children can definitely be taught to handle hamsters with patience, and are very willing to learn about correct hamster care. Although they are the same species, they have been given these elaborate names by hamster breeders in order to match the hamsters coloration and patterns. Can I please get some tips for starting out? Such patterns include roan, banded, dominant spot, or tortoiseshell. And now you know that theyre quite fascinating in terms of history, behavior, and personality, too! He just sat there, with the seat belt above him, just riding shotgun and watching me drive. The Syrian hamster was first discovered in 1839 in the city of Aleppo, Syria (hence its namesake), but the breed was not fully domesticated until 1939. Teddy bear hamster is really just another name for the Syrian or Golden hamster. The lifespan is shorter for wild hamsters. Other items that provide entertainment and enrichment are tubes, things to chew on, and small toys designed for hamsters. In particular, experimentation on Syrian hamsters has shed light on tumorigenesis in human patients with non-small cell lung carcinomaand the progression of various metabolic disorders like diabetes. Maybe its, There are over 20 known species of hamsters but only five breeds are popular as pets. A running ball is another exercise option that is more intense and fun than the running wheel. A Syrian hamster on top a piece of watermelon. These larger hamsters make cute and cuddly pets, and are the most popular hamster breed around. communicate with sounds in the ultrasonic range. Buying a teddy bear hamster doesnt have to be expensive in fact you can give a hamster a home for free if you choose to adopt. In the long-term hamsters need very little, relying on us daily for the basics of food, water and shelter. and the commercial hamster industry was started in Mobile, Alabama. When you use a well balanced store-bought food, that should make up 90 percent of your pets diet. Remember to do this during their active periods around dawn and dusk to not disturb their sleep. Teddy bear is a term used to describe a Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) with long hair. Teddy bear hamsters are incredibly cute and make great pets, the common name for whats known as the Syrian hamster. Occasional treats from the pet store/vet. You want to know how long Teddy Bear hamsters live. To better understand where Syrian (Teddy Bear) hamsters fit in with domestic/pet hamster species, lets identify the common pet hamster species. Hamster Age: 4 weeks Mixed. A teddy bear hamster should live without any hamster roommates, or they will be very stressed. Theres a cage for every budget. But yeah it seems Syrians live a little longer than Dwarves, I'm guessing because of their . This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to amazon.com with recommendations.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'hamsterguru_com-large-leaderboard-1','ezslot_1',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamsterguru_com-large-leaderboard-1-0');report this ad. If you have a female teddy bear hamster, then you may have noticed a funny smell emanating from their cage every few days? Some of the information on this page is incorrect. It is important not to rush into the taming process. A teddy bear hamster is one of several names for a Syrian hamster. I LOVE her!!!! In the wild Syrian hamster numbers are declining due to a loss of habitat and the effects of climate change. Some of these factors are genetic that cant be controlled or avoided. How long is a teddy bear hamster pregnant for? This is a great reason to get a teddy bear hamster, because everyone loves a pet that they can play with and cuddle! Teddy bear hamsters are territorial and will fight with any cage-mates, sometimes to the death. So, the long-haired Syrian hamsters, start to have long hair once they reach 3 or 4 inches long. Individual hamster can live shorter or longer depending on their lifestyle, diet, and care. You may, however, take certain precautions to ensure that you are providing your hamster with the best possible life. With their round black eyes, tiny twitching noses, and fluffy fur, youll fall in love with the Syrian hamster. These tiny mammals are herbivores eating grains, vegetables, and fruit. After this point, they must be separated and kept alone. The same applies for hamster snacks, especially the pre bought varieties, which although are great for keeping teeth in check, are often laden with honey, syrups and extra sugars. Fancy bear hamsters are friendly, curious and courageous, and enjoy wandering around, burrowing, and exploring their surroundings! Baby Mouse vs Baby Rat: Whats the Difference? Hamsters are small and adorable creatures, making them perfect pets for those who live in confined spaces. A females behind tends to be more rounded than a male hamster, which in comparison looks elongated. I see a friend. As much as wed love to tell you these little guys will be around for a long time, they have short lives. I loved my teddy bear hamster- Bugsy. Domestic teddy bear hamsters are omnivores by nature, which means they enjoy a diverse range of foods including plants, insects and vegetables. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Fancy bear hamster sizes generally range between 4 to 6 inches long, though they can grow larger. They even will create specialized rooms meant for sleeping, raising their young, using the bathroom, and hoarding food. Wake him with your voice, not your fingers! Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Don't see the answer that you're looking for? This involves making sure that they are fed plenty of food that is rich in protein and that their water is constantly topped up. So many things make Syrian hamsters a great choice for children. So, make sure they have lots of space to burrow in. Syrian hamsters are genetically more likely to get wet tail disease, which has a low survival rate. Syrians coat (fur) will either be shiny, which is known as satin, or have a dull, matte look which is known as non-satin. They have a stout, stocky body with little tails that are barely visible underneath their fur. You can train your teddy bear hamster to be held from a young age, and they do enjoy this kind of social interaction. Teddy bear hamsters are a great choice of pet for small children, as they are low maintenance to look after, great fun to play with and easy to train. Lifespan: 2 to 4 years Syrian Hamster Behavior and Temperament Syrian hamsters sleep during the day and are active at night. This isnt always a bad thing! Initial research on hamsters determined that the mammalian circadian rhythm is modulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain. Weve got one for you that you, Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases. A hamster must have a running wheel for exercise. Male hamsters, in general, are larger in appearance than their female counterparts. These pups are born without any fur and with their eyes and ears closed, although they will have both their front incisor teeth. Birmingham. They have a stout, stocky body with little tails that are barely visible underneath their fur. I LOVED HIM SO MUCH. The lifespan of Syrian Hamsters Syrian or Golden hamsters are very active, but also solitary by nature. Obviously, we want to care for our hamsters as best we can, so providing them with a large space to burrow and play and spending time cuddling them allows you to better understand their behaviors. When handling your hamster, remember to wash your hands, wear gloves and offer treats for good behavior all of which will help prevent painful bites. Their burrows also serve as useful protection from predators because they are built about 1 meter underground. This is true of both wild and domesticated hamsters. Neurobiology of Aging published a study that examined ways to prolong mammals lives. For top tips on how to provide the best after care for your pregnant hamster and her hamster pups, read our informative blog on hamster pregnancy, cycles and birth. Hamster Quiz - Only The Top 1% Can Ace our Animal Quizzes. But remember, although they are generally happy when being handled carefully, they can become skittish when startled or scared. Make sure to tell us all about your experiences in the comments below! The Syrian hamster, in particular, happens to be the most popular choice for pet owners. Hamsters are also of interest to researchers studying circadian rhythms in mammals as they have very well-defined daily routines. Long-haired hamsters also called Teddy bear hamsters; or Golden hamsters or Angora hamsters, are Syrian hamsters, usually male hamsters because the females have shorter coats. Unfortunately, this is not a factor that can be controlled. What a character ! After their domestication and breeding in the Middle East by biologists working in Jerusalem, Syrian hamsters were imported to the United States. They have a stocky, barrel shaped body with little stubby tails that are almost completely hidden beneath their long fur. ), Nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes), Accessories (wheel, nesting box, bedding:) $30 $65 (USD). Teddy bear hamsters come in a host of colors, patterns and with different coat types. Amenities in some of the more extravagant options include multi-levels, tubes, wheels, and houses. The oldest recorded teddy bear hamster lived for 8 years. If you want to have more than one hamster, you should consider getting dwarf breed hamsters. Also called Teddy-bear hamsters (hence my little Teddy's name). The typical cleaning schedule for a hamster cage should involve spot cleaning every day. Teddy hamsters are a breed of Syrian hamster. Likemice, hamsters are omnivores and feed mostly on seeds, nuts, small insects, and food that is left behind by humans. But, this is a great opportunity to watch them run around in a hamster-safe play area! Treats are good for training and interacting with your hamster, but they should not be any more than 10 percent of the diet. Just because your hamster doesnt drink that much does not mean they are not interested in water and that it should be substituted for something else. If you try to put two teddy bear hamsters together, they may attack one another. The item breakdown for a new hamster and necessary items dont come cheap. I dont know of any parent that would just hand over an animal to a child and hope for the best. Even though they are raised as a part of a litter, they do not tolerate the company of another one once they reach the age of 5 to 10 weeks. Especially for children who have school in the day, or adults who work outside of the home. To find out more about the use of running balls for your hamster, read How Long Can You Keep A Hamster In A Ball? This does not mean that your pet hamster cant live longer because Syrian hamsters can live so long as 4 years and possibly more. Hamsters dont just sleep in their cages all the time, theyre really active! Mine hasnt bitten me yet but he squeaks every time I get close to his cage. Testosterone and estrogen played key roles in determining how long males and female hamsters live. I have a stunning litter of hamster pups all pups are handled daily but children and adults and a suitable for any home , both parents like pups are very handtame and friendly an. The Syrian hamster, also known as the golden hamster, is not only adorable but is also quite smart as well. Hamsters are one of the cutest rodents that many of us are happy to keep as a pet. A baby hamster is called a pup. It is pink, with no fur, and blind at birth. Sometimes my teddy bear hamster wakes up screaming from a nightmare. Here are some interesting facts, such as the average Syrian hamster lifespan, that may help you better bond with your pet hamster and learn more about their habits. A Syrian hamsters gestation period is 15 to 18 days. A Data-Backed Answer, How To Tame A Hamster: 10 Safe And Proven Tips. Keep your hamster cage clean, encourage exercise, and provide a well-balanced diet to promote your pets longevity. Domestic hamsters will still burrow if given the appropriate space to do so. Exercise, cage cleanliness, and the hamsters stress level are also factors for your pets longevity. It is important to never lunge or grab at them, as this is how predators attack their prey in the wild. Lucky Block New Cryptocurrency with $750m+ Market Cap Lists on LBank. Syrian hamsters typically have short round bodies, stocky legs and feet, and have short silky golden brown fur. The dog stores likely scenario is that an aggressive hamster will be removed from the cage before customers witness anything. Syrian hamsters are the biggest of all hamster species, and there will be significant size changes between the newborn hamster you got from the pet store and the adult hamster in your cage. Home teddy bear hamster lifespan and characteristics. There are several things that you can do to prevent and dissuade this behavior. So before taking a hamster home, its important to have their cage set up beforehand. There is no foolproof method for extending a hamsters life. Why are you advocating hamsters as ideal pets for children? He is napping in his hut in his new habitat as I type this. However, there have been instances where these little furballs make it past the average estimates. The tail of Teddy Bear hamsters may be hidden behind their long hair. I could use them! I see a living being. I just adopted Mr Gizmo yesterday night, but hes very VERY tense. Syrian hamsters are also known as golden hamsters or teddy bear hamsters. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I am pleased to say that Oscar has over-delivered on his hamster potential and we couldnt imagine life with him. Hamster Guru is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. I have a hamster. Have a question? We recommend a 10 gallon tank as an absolute minimum. So, just keep one by itself. The most common pet hamster, the Syrian hamster, also known as the teddy bear hamster or golden hamster, usually grows to about 6 inches (15.24 cm) long. Females are more prone to bite, and this may be because they are more territorial. The average lifespan for a teddy bear hamster is two to three years. They are actually sleep walking/talking, and you want to wake them so they dont hurt themselves. While tracking these furry friends in the wild is a tough task, some information has been found. Teddy bear hamsters are originally from Syria, and that is why they are called Syrian. Syrian hamsters are native to Syria (hence its name) and parts of the Middle East. Caring for Teddy Fur Therefore, you should resist the urge to prod them awake as they may not take too kindly to it and may react by biting. That you can do several things to make sure your hamster is comfortable and healthy, which will provide the best conditions for long life. Housing male Syrian hamsters together can cause stress in the animals and lead to fatal fighting. It lives alone in the wild too! At one point, I looked over to discover that he had chomped his way out of the box. And, now you know all about them in terms of their history, biology, behavior, and personality, we are sure that youll agree too. Although they are often referred to as nocturnal, most teddy bear hamsters are crepuscular, which means they are more likely to be active at dawn or dusk which fits in perfectly with the school day. Pre-made pellet and seed mix from a pet store gives plenty of variety and is very nutritious. Little animals should never be left at the mercy of children who have no impulse control orsense of the consequences of their actions. While most are black, its not unusual for them to have blackish blue, blackish-red, dark red, or pink. This is mainly due to their size as they are more robust than dwarf hamsters, especially if you buy your pet very young. I agree with Debi619, each of my kids have their own hamster in their room. If you still have outstanding questions or require further information on caring for your hamster, please refer to the blogs on our website. Once the hamster pups arrive you shouldnt need to look after them as this is the job of mum. As long as you handle your hamster for a little bit every day, from a young age, they will love interacting with you. A Guide To Hamster Hibernation. This might seem contrary to what you see in pet stores because they might have several Syrian hamsters together in one cage. Wild teddy bear hamster lifespan ranges from 1 - 2 years on average. Sometimes you may come across a Syrian that have wavy or curly hair, and in this case, they are known as a Rex. Some breeds of hamster, like the Russian Dwarf, like to have company, and live well in pairs. If youre looking for a starter pet, the fancy bear hamster is a great choice, because it prefers to live on its own. They are by far the most common variety of hamster and are kept as pets the world around. Teddy bear hamsters can live anywhere from 2-5 years, but they most commonly live between . Theyre responsible for feeding their hamsters, refilling their water and making sure that they get out of their cages when they want out. Teddy Bear Syrian Hamster - The teddy bear hamster, . Hamsters are burrowers by nature, so you need to ensure that you have enough hamster bedding for them to hide. The Department of Animal Science at Cornell University published an article in which the longevity of hamsters was studied. Several factors contribute to the hamsters lifespan. Syrian Hamster Lifespan. Characteristics [ edit] Skull of a Golden hamster The size of adult animals is around 6.3 in (16 cm) long, with a lifespan of 2-3 years. Moreover, are long haired hamsters friendly? Tubes satisfy the burrowing behavior in hamsters. It appears that all existing laboratory and pet Syrian hamster are descendantsof a brother-sister pair that were captured in Syria in 1930. Hamsters can even learn tricks and habits, so this is a pet youll interact with a lot. Handling your little companion is also a great way to bond and interact with it. The ultimate responsibility lies with the adult, not the child. If you are thinking about getting a teddy bear hamster but want some top tips and further information on these cute and cuddly fur balls, then why not read our informative guide on everything you need to know about teddy bear hamsters? Exercise is vital for the teddy bear hamsters health, and an exercise wheel is a favorite toy of all hamster breeds. As far as pets go, Syrian hamsters are among the easiest hamsters to tame. Social: While Syrian hamsters are sociable with humans, they are solitary animals and should live alone. As Syrian hamsters are the largest breed, the average lifespan for a teddy bear is two to three years. In comparison, unbred females lived an average of 444 days and bred females even less at 357 days. The only difference is that we dont know much information about the predcan bepositions that are passed on genetically for hamsters. Syrian Hamsters are small rodents about the size of an adult human hand - The adult size ranges from 5 - 7 inches in length. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Squeaks and Nibbles is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk, Squeaks and Nibbles is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Once they are content to take them from your fingers, you should slowly start placing your hands inside their cage to offer them off the palms of your hand. Hamster pups rely on their mums until they are weaned at 3 weeks of age although you can start to introduce softened food that is moistened with water from around 10 days old. Avoid interacting with your hamster during sleep hours because this causes stress and disrupts its sleep. Below we have come up with a list of 15 most commonly asked questions and facts, which we hope will inform and delight you. He has so much personality already. Holding them for the very first time may feel a little daunting. To gain their trust and tame them, cupping your hands to hold them is the best way to handle one. Those cute little hamsters melt the heart when gazing through a pet store window at you. Just bear in mind, however, that for the first few days she will require complete peace and quiet and may act more aggressively towards you if you enter her space. So, this pet isnt a short-term commitment, but wont be with you for as long as an animal like a dog would. It goes without saying that hamsters love having a wheel to exercise and burn off excess energy. This is why you should never go away and leave your hamster unattended for prolonged periods of time and make sure that their water bottle is always replaced with clean, fresh water. All types of hamsters, including teddy bear hamsters, need a large enough cage to run around in. Body mass is usually in the range of 100-150 grams (3.5-5.3 oz), but Syrian hamsters from private breeders can be in the range of 175-225 grams (6.2-7.9 oz). This could be so they avoid owls who mostly hunt at night or to avoid extreme temperatures of day and night. Distinctive spots of yellow, cinnamon, orange, Bedding (cedar and pine shavings should never be used), Reasonably quiet, warm room 64-79 degrees (F) (17-26 C), Placed on a solid surface such as a sturdy table, counter, or stand, On a surface where it can tip over or fall. Animals and humans pass on genetic traits to their babies. Average lifespan is about 2 years, so at this point it's just down to his genetics and speculation. Hes no longer with us and will be VERRRRY MISSED. Make sure that you remove any hamster wheels and other toys from the cage to prevent your hamster using up all of their energy beforehand. Teddy bear hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night. Underweight or overweight symptoms in hamsters are typical because of a poor diet, being fed too much or too little, or not having access to some form of exercise or exercising too much. At first you could just put your hand in the cage and see what he does you could also put a treat such as a sunflower seed on your palm and see if he comes to take it. 3 useful ways to treat a sick hamster You can, How Many Babies Do Hamsters Have In A Litter? Syrians are territorial animals and will fight and kill each other in the same cage. Factors aside from hormones that play a role in pet hamster longevity include genetics, species, diet quality, environment, care and nurturing, exercise, and exposure to stress. 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